I am Orlando Riski
I am a Software Developer who loves learning about new software development technologies
I am Orlando, an Informatics Engineering student at Amikom Yogyakarta University. I have always been passionate about learning about software development technologies.
My Skill
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Javascript
- React JS
- Laravel
- MySql
- MongoDB
- Linux
> Portfolio
Restaurant App
Application Restaurant PWA
Javascript applications using PWA features display menu lists, add likes, and leave comments.
ChatFlow App
ChatFlow Application with React JS
The ChatFlow Landing Page application using React JS trains the Slicing design created by Muhammad Nauval Azhar
Time Management Application
Time Management application uses React JS, this is a project that I made with my team members, this application has a feature to manage time.
TimeNewsBd Portal
News Api Portal from NewsApi with React JS
The News Portal application from the Beritaindoapi API source uses React JS.